Well it's taken awhile to recover from all the Holiday festivities, but I've finally found a minute to post all our Christmas fun! After a rough start having to take Brynlee to the ER (she had a fever so high she had a seizure...YIKES not fun!!) and Gracie waking up the next night throwing up... we had a great time up in Montana! It was so fun to spend time with my family and for Gracie and Brynlee to have cousins to play with 24/7.
My wonderful family minus my oldest sister Kara who we missed tremendously!

I hope your Christmas was as good as ours! Now on to a new year!!
Oh Kenna, I heard about your ER trip. Poor Brynlee. No, you guys totally did not get us sick. Our sickness came towards the end of our vacation, like 2 weeks after your guys visited. No worries! Your matching pjs are too cute. I especially loved the ruffle bum tights. Hope to see you again soon!
okay... those ruffles are the cutest thing ever!!!!! :) That is a great picture. I love how all the kids and adults got mathching clothes and PJ's... so fun!!
I am so sorry about Brynlee. I hope that she is feeling better. I bet that was so scary for you guys! Those high fevers are scary enough, I can't imagine a seizure on top of that. Yikes!
Love your new blog look!! And we loved your christmas card!
Cute pictures! I love the ruffle bum tights too! It was fun to see you for a minute, you're girls adorable! Hope you've recovered from a whirlwind trip, isn't it nice to be home?
Wow Kenners, I'll never complain about my sick Christmas again! Mine was nothing compared to yours. So, what was wrong with Brynlee was it just some virus? I know everyone else has already said this, but those tights are the cutest things ever. Where did your mom get them? I need a little girl.
We got your Christmas card, it was so good to see you and your family. I can't believe how big everyone has gotten, it is fun seeing your blog. We have a blog, too, it is such a good way to keep in touch. We are at derekandmelinda.blogspot.com
We need to get together sometime, let's keep in touch! Sorry to hear about your sick kids...never fun!
Yo Kamerna! We are really missing you guys and seeing all the pics you posted made us miss you more. Now that you've posted pictures, and I have the exact same ones I think I'm off the hook right? Hope you guys are doing good, love ya - krista
Oh, what a cutely dressed and fun looking christmas. Where did your parents get all those cute christmas outfits? I love those tights! It looks like you had a great holiday!
oh, it looks like you guys had such a fun christmas (except for the ER trip and sicknesses, of course). Fun pictures!
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