So the other day I was desperate to get my hair cut but I didn't want to spend a ton of money to do it, however, I also didn't want to go to some cheapy place either(sorry I just don't trust people there unless I know them!) So I decided to go to the Crazy Daisy here in Santaquin since they were kinda in the middle. Well the name should have given it away...I went in thinking my hair needed to be cut so bad that anything they do would be better than how it already looked...I was wrong! I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...
HELLO!! Have you ever seen such an awful job! I look like a 5 year old that got a hold of some scissors and cut my own hair! It's so bad that when I got home I completely skipped the crying phase and just started laughing. Even Jake, who normally would never say anything negative about the way I look, could only stare and laugh when he saw it. And it's not just the bangs that are bad... I've got these weird side layers that make me look like I'm in some 80's rock band too! So there you go have a good laugh with me and don't bother telling me they don't look that bad cause the pictures don't even really do it justice! Needless to say I'll be pinning my bangs back for awhile until they grow back:( Anyone else have any good bad hair cut stories to top mine?
Best Basic Old-Fashioned Pancakes
1 week ago
Oh goodness Kenna! I am so sorry to see and hear about that, that's awful!
Oh goodness Kenna! I am so sorry to see and hear about that, that's awful!
I know you told us not to tell you that it doesn't look that bad, so I won't tell you that; but what i will tell you is that you are BEAUTIFUL! I love the close up shot of the bangs! That's awesome! I love the fact that you're sharing your pictures with us, you've got a sense of humor that I covet!
Love ya sweets!
That last post was from John
Kenna...that was the best laugh I've had in a LONG time! I'm so sorry it was at your expense. Ben came running in the room to see what was so funny and had a little laugh too when he saw the picture. I love that the name was crazy daisy, how classic is that? Did you realize it was that bad when she was cutting, did you give her any hints that she was heading down the wrong path?...I want to hear more! I did have a really bad cut too back in Rexburg from the beauty was totally bi-level and SO not normal, at least I didn't have bangs I guess...I got it cut again ASAP. I want to see yours in person, it's so unbelieveable!
even i can cut my bangs in a straight line, and i have done a few hack jobs in my past (sorry again april). Luckily bangs are pin-backable! I too have been trying to save my hair cut money and have gone to supercuts for the past two haircuts, i am bound to have a story eventually, it's inevitable when you are playing with fire! At least your highlights look good!
That was the worst part... she kept saying she couldn't reach cause all of her stuff was on the counter behind her so she turned me around to where I couldn't see what she was doing. So I didn't get to see it until she was totally done styling it and everything. I was all excited to see my cute hair cut, it felt like one of those makeover shows where they turn you around for the big reveal but instead of being excited my heart dropped. For a split second I thought of telling her to fix it, but then I figured if she did that bad of a job the first time I didn't want her trying so Fix it! I just wish I had a backbone and would have told her I wasn't paying for such a crap job but no I just said Thanks paid her and left! I wish I could go somewhere else and get it fixed but how do you fix it when all the problems are problems because they are too short!
Oh Kenna, sorry, but I got a good laugh at your post! I hate bad haircuts, but the good thing is they grow! I would even up your bangs the best you can (or just pin them back) and then rock the pony tail for a few weeks and you'll be good as new!
I am so sorry that happened, but i really needed that good laugh today! I loved your facial expression in the picture. We definitely have all had our bad hair cuts... mine were more often when kim did my hair... heehee! :)
I had an experience in high school where i went to a salon and asked for highlights... she put a cap on my head (the one from a box that has holes in the cap) and when she was done I had blonde circles on my head from the cap. I was so angry and cryed the whole way home... let's just say I never went back. It was hideous! I wish I had a picture of it for you.
I'm so sorry. A girl's worst fear is a bad hair cut. And we have ALL had one at some point in our life. I know someone in Payson who does hair. She is the sister of my best friend and when I lived in Utah county, she did my hair. Let me know if you want her phone number. Maybe, she can help fix it.
Ha ha! I've had a few haircuts like that, even when i did pay a lot of money. I couldnt' tell exactly what was wrong with yours until the second picture. Bummer! Good luck trimming those up :).
I hate bad haircuts, I got one myself a few months ago...this too shall pass...but that doesn't make it feel any better in the mean time!
That is bad. I am sorry!! If you wear a straw hat that has gold stars and fake grapes on it nobody will notice your hair.
Wow! You sure your stylist was certified?? :) I have a bad bangs cut story... I haven't found a stylist here that I like yet. I had just had a haircut not too long before but my bangs needed trimmed so I decided to do it myself (I cut my own hair all the time when I was younger). I trimmed my bangs and thought they looked pretty good...then I put my contacts back in and they were sooo short! I'm glad bangs don't take too long to grow :)
Oh Kenna, Thank you for making my day so laughable! I am still giggling. Who do these so called hair-stylists think they are!? I have had a few terrible experiences myself, but none this obvious. Good thing the girl behind the uneven bangs is so pretty! I love this post.
Oh Kennos!! I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying! I'm sure that you've figured out how to make in manageable, right? You're facial expressions in those pics are classic. I've had some bad cuts too and I've always done the same thing as you (just paid and said thanks) I hope you didn't tip her though :)
Thanks for a good laugh. All you can do now is spread the word in town about the crazy daisy and spare all your friends from this lady!
Yay! What a funny piece of head decoration, Kenna.
First of all, I love your ink tongue aka wrinting style and I have to tell you that you are looking so adorable… very beautiful face, so matter of fact you don’t need to worry much that a haircut will deface you - no matter how bad it will be (i guess this one is as worse as it could get).
By the way: I’ve found you looking for bad haircuts via the google picture search because my dad send my creepy pictures of my mothers hip 80s looks.
Greetings from Berlin.
You are funny, and I thank you for making me feel a little bit better about my bad haircut. I paid a guy 60 dollars and he gave me a bad haircut, so a couple weeks later I went to one of the top salons in the city and paid 80 dollars and got even a worse haircut. My bangs are looking nasty too, not as bad yours, but still ugly. She cut it too wide and started up too high from the hairline.
I think some hairdressers give you a bad haircut because they are incompetent, but there are plenty of others that are capable of giving you a good or an average haircut, but deliberately won’t. I don’t want my hair to be at the mercy of their mood, whether it is jealousy, anger, insecurity or something else. This is why after getting countless bad haircuts in the past five years; I have decided to learn to cut my own hair. Some people may say that is a bad idea but after paying 140 dollars and ending up with a hideous haircut I am willing to take the risk. One thing is certain, no matter how bad I am feeling I would never take it out on myself.
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